Whether others are or are not Christians, would they know that you are? How? Does the fact that you are a Christian set you apart, define how you speak and act – is a standard visible? Does the fact that you have accepted Jesus as your Lord a part of your daily walk? Are you afraid of being a Christian? Are you concerned that you won’t be able to live the life? The point is that though it IS for you, it isn’t simply do’s and don’t’s, ‘things’ that you are required to be more than what you can do to stay saved. Do you need to understand in order to follow? A whole lot of questions, but ones that most people need answers. 

Think back to the time you came to the realization you needed a savior. Do you remember what happen next for you? Did you seek out people you considered as Christians to seek their wisdom? Was it a time you went apart from all that is around you to find what you were seeking? We all come from different places and acts to the knowledge that our answer is Jesus. Did the joy you experienced when you found your answer permeate everything you felt, said, and did? Does it still? 

Are you still as awed and delighted now as when you asked Jesus to be your savior? If not… what has happened for you? Have you grown in your knowledge and understanding of who Jesus is and continues to be? who you are as a result of your acceptance? Do you do those things that continue to help you grow? Are you reading the word? Do you pray? Are you in fellowship with other Christians? Never become a lukewarm Christian – be as bold and confident as He has made and continues to make you. But never start running before you know how to walk. 

A word of caution here… don’t place people/other Christians on pedestals. They too are like you and still need as you do. People don’t always do and act with maturity, as who they are as Christians – you will slip as well. But never damn them quickly but likewise – know who and why you follow whoever it is. if you’ve, for whatever reason, stopped growing, stopped fellowshipping then you can always begin again. That’s one of the special and wonderful realities of being a Christian. We are never far from the One who loves and knows us best – all we need do is to turn and let Him know we really are sorry and want to be in relationship. He won’t ever turn His people away.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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