Health and Healing

  This may sound controversial but I don’t believe God puts sickness on us to teach us something. That makes absolutely no sense. Think about it… exactly how much do you learn when you are moaning about not feeling well? My point precisely. I will agree that God can use the time we aren’t well, but this is not His Plan A. Likewise, I believe the Lord is eminently logical and will use other methods to teach us. Think back for a moment, what is your primary best learning times? Do you see what you were doing, what was happening, etc. when you learned those lessons? This would be the types of settings (for you) that the Lord would employ to teach you (fill in the blank). I seriously doubt that sickness has anything to do with learning.

  Controversial #2. Healing is God’s Plan B, Plan A is Health. Again, logical. Thank heavens He did provide for healing but wouldn’t it make more sense for us to walk in health (and wasn’t that what Adam and Eve experienced prior to the fall?) The issue is that we tend to not follow this plan. We don’t exercise or eat foods that we know are good for us and we do veg out and eat those snacks that contain little or no nutrient value. It’s not that we deliberately decide to become unhealthy, the lure is the problem. Simply taking supplements isn’t going to reverse our situation though they may help us get those vitamins we do need. For Plan A to be in effect, for the most part, for most of us – this will require a lifestyle change. The question is… do we really want to pay the price for health? If not, we will pay the price for sickness.

  Controversial #3. Health and Healing is more than only physical. I would contend that the Lord’s goal is for us to be Healthy – spirit, soul, and body. Ergo, ‘body’ is only one of the pieces to our healing and health. Do you ever check the pulse of your level of health spirit and soul, primarily soul? Exodus 15:26 – God tells His people, “For I am the Lord who heals you.” That should end the questions or speculations. Heals, according to Strong’s means: “to cure, heal, repair, mend, restore health”. And if you don’t believe that means your soul as well, why would God spend so much time on our physical healing and ignore our soul? I don’t believe He would. It is our (soul) mind, will, and emotions that define who we are and they also ‘get sick’ and need healing.

  The lesson we need to remember is to Not limit God’s names to our finite definitions. And I’ll ask the question I’ve asked before… if God did put sickness on us to ‘teach us’ something, then why would He be Jehovah Rapha, our healer? Isn’t that, minimally, being counter-intuitive or counter-productive?

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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