Do you know and understand your motives for why you do or don’t do, say or don’t say (fill in the blank)? Or do you simply go blithely through your day without thinking about your why… your motives? It you are a Christian then you have a foundation for your motives. Whatever you are doing… Wherever you are doing ‘it’… Whenever you choose to Do… there is always the opportunity for an intentional purpose for your actions and words and you have a manual (Bible) to help you ‘judge’ you according to those scriptural standards.
I realize I’ve talked about motives before but I tend to think that most of us don’t give sufficient attention to motives – our whys and how we express them. Too often we choose to ignore their importance or don’t dismiss the reactions to what we’ve just said/done with a, ‘that’s not what I intended…’. Really! Then why did we not choose to be our attentive and intentional self and to choose to not follow through with those words/actions? If you aren’t aware of your motives then it’s because you choose this ‘blindness’.
Part of my reason to discuss this subject yet again is to help all of us realize that our motives are very important. One reason is that You have a ministry because you are a missionary in your world. There should not a question about who you are, Whose you are, what’s available for you to Do. Where’s your hand? Who’s at your hand? What will you choose to do about this? Will you be a responsible person to seek that all understand? Yes, I’ve been accused of asking too many questions. Guilty. Your point? It’s always our answers to all the questions the that tell us who we are and what we believe. More important, in my world, is that our actions prove the answers to the questions.
Period: you need to know why you do what you do and you need to know if how you express your why presents what you want understood. Actually, it’s as simple as that… and just as complex. How we ‘own’ our own motives and choose to be our better self is always in our control. We may not have control over all the various aspects in our world, but we can always be certain of our why… what we are doing and saying. Motives indicate our character – which is who we are.