Make You count

  You are the only one who can… and you can! Don’t know what to do? What’s at your hand? It doesn’t make any difference if someone else can do ‘it’ better, faster, more effectively. If no one is ‘stepping into the breech’, this may be an opportunity for you to Do your ‘I Can’. I appreciate that that was a lot of ‘ ‘ but each of those words/phrases truly is individually defined. And they all need defining.

  I remember, as a young person, that the prevailing teaching was that if (fill in the blank) was something that you enjoyed do-ing then it wouldn’t be from God. What a load of claptrap. Why would the One who made you in the first place not want you to do those things? Again, the prevailing teaching was that if you could do ‘it’ on your own, then you wouldn’t rely on God to be with you in the situation. Rubbish. This is your opportunity to partner with the Father in accomplishing whatever you were involved in do-ing. I always try to remember Jesus’ words in John 15:5

     “Whoever abides in Me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit,
      for apart from me you can do nothing.”    

Abiding allows me, us to bear much fruit so partnering is a given. 

  However, I also believe that the Father wants us to grow and mature which often means needing to move out of our comfort zone and become stretched by people and events with which we interact.  Complacent and self-satisfied are not examples of how He wants us to Be. Again the point – we are in (fill in the blank) together. He already has told us He would never leave us. And, if we are in a place of harm, He will always help us through it (1 Corinthians 10:13). In this verse He is talking about temptation. So… if He helps us in those tempting situations, how much more in places in which we are struggling?

  You are important! I’ve said this multiple times in multiple ways – but only you can choose to believe this and act on it! If you don’t value you, how can you possibly accept that you are valued by others? They really don’t need to prove it to you – you either accept your own value or reject it. But if you do reject, then how can you possibly attain all that You Can Do?

  Even if you don’t believe you are valued by others… there is One who does and continues to help you become all that you are destined to Be and Do. In the final analysis, what I’ve been saying is quite simple. It is that You CAN fill in 
your blank. What is it you really want? Who is it you want to Be and Do? It is in your hands. The ‘control’s IS in your hands to decide. YOU can make You count!

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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