How do you DO your Christianity?

  What do you do with your expression of Christianity – put it on the shelf along with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit? And you point to it when you want others to notice. I really don’t believe that Christianity is meant to be safe. It’s a great deal stronger than most people may realize. When you exercise it you’ll see that it isn’t fragile – in fact, it becomes stronger the more often that you express it. 

  When you look at how Jesus lived His life you see Him in places that someone as ‘august’ as He should never be seen. The Jews were waiting for a King and though scripture described Him as a servant, one who lived with the ‘common people’, He was not what the aristocrats’ expected. What about you? Is your Christianity safe and comfortable..and convenient? Would Jesus recognize you as His disciple, fulfilling His commission?

  Another question would be how does the church challenge you to be His disciple? How does the church demonstrate His characteristics to others? However, before finger pointing begins, remember that You are a member of His church (1 Corinthians 12). So the question once again reverts to you. Are you expressing your part in His body? Or is this safely on the shelf too? This ‘discussion’ began as a question on the location and expression of your Christianity. Ultimately we all stand before Him with the results of our lives in our hands. Do we hand Him jewels or does what we bring become consumed by the fire (1Corinthians 3:12-15, especially v 13)? 

  Angry? No. Disappointed? Yes. Frustrated? Absolutely! If, as I suggest, that the church is to ‘blame’, then the fault lies with all of us who call ourselves Christians. We have ceased to be relevant in our world. We have ceased to be a visible example and witness of all that Jesus did and said. We have chosen compromise and opted to be socially acceptable. Instead of leading we have become part of the mob. It’s time to voice and act on the answer to…What Would Jesus Do!

  Harsh? Hopeless? No, I don’t believe that. Being the proverbial optimist, I believe redemption is always possible – if we repent. Shout from the rooftops that the time is at hand? Hardly. Not sure what that would accomplish. I believe that IF we call ourselves Christians that we act as well as voice which proves who we are and Who we believe and follow. Christianity has always been an action directed by love to the world in which we live. This is what we DO.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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