
  Do we really know what the word, ‘prosper’ means? When you use or hear it – what is the reference? What is it we hear? My guesstimate would be that the subject is either financial or material. Yes? But ‘prosper’ is so much more expansive then that limiting definition.

     “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in 
      health, just as your soul prospers.” (3John 2)

…just… as your soul prospers. Do we read the entire verse or only the part that says that the prayer is that we prosper? And do we truly understand that this is applied to our entire soul (will, mind, emotions). It seems to tell us that that as our soul prospers that the prayer is that we prosper in all things. Yes?

  Prosper is one of those words that we all love to hear. Who wouldn’t want to prosper in their undertakings? We want our efforts, time, resources to result in our prospering in the attainment of our goal. And none of us want to believe that what we are engaged in won’t result in a positive report. How do we react, though, when it does? Do we blame others? Do we decide that the project was doomed from the start? Do we assess us – our goals, aspirations, commitment, plans and motivations? If we don’t focus on the attention to our soul, can we ever really ‘prosper in all things’?

  When you read the Old Testament, the relationship between following God’s ordinances and the people’s prosperity was evident. (Deuteronomy 5, 6, 28, 29, etc.; 1Kings, 2Chronicles, etc.) The point was that as the people obeyed the ordinances of God they would ‘reap’ prosperity in the efforts. I especially like the verses in Joshua 1:3 – 

     “Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have
      given it to you.”

This was the prosperity that resulted from following the precepts of the Lord. Thus prosperity includes ‘everything’ – material, financial, sustaining, etc. The people were greatly blessed.    

  Sometimes we really don’t appreciate the breadth of the definition of ‘prosper’.  For example: sometimes a ‘defeat’ is a progression toward the accomplishment of the desired end and the ‘victory of prospering’. And sometimes there is no material or financial prosperity but understanding or appreciation or some other quality has been enhanced so that the result has been growth. This is as important as the obvious. Let yourself prosper in all things.


Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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