
  Do you have a moan occasionally? Of course you do. We all have moans… and there is nothing intrinsically ‘wrong’ in having a moan. I think the operative word is – occasionally. Just how often do you have a moan? And is it always to the same select few to whom you bestow this honor? What about the reason(s) for the moan – do you have theme(s) or is it a variety of things? Are there certain ‘things’ that set you off or is it simply personal issues?

  As you can see… moans have a number of attendant questions and I suspect we really don’t consider them when we do have a moan. When we’re in a ‘moan mood’ that’s what we do! In my more conscious moments I must admit that I wonder why we do this. Do we expect the people to whom we moan, to ‘fix’ whatever the problem, issue is? Probably not really. Sometimes we are simply expressing our feelings and the expression is the thing, not the resolution.

  Moaning, in my definition, means the ability to express whatever it is I’m feeling. For me, I’m not seeking resolution, I am seeking commiseration, not sympathy. I want to hear some supportive expression from the person I’m moaning to. I want to hear that it really is OK for me to feel the way I’m feeling. You see… at the bottom of all this is – me. No great surprise. After considering what we moan about and to whom, how often do we engage in this activity? If the operative, occasionally, is accurate then not an issue. However, if we begin to see people flee from us, then we definitely are moaning too often.

  OK, this has all been slightly facetious. But the questions aren’t. Moaning seems to be a fact of life. And personally, I don’t see any problem… unless. If all we do is moan, if we never address the underlying issues affecting our moaning then it is unbecoming behavior. Moaning can be a motivator to cause us to re-examine the causes for our moan. Honestly… moaning for the sake of moaning has no value unless it is addressed, relatively quickly. 

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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