Evidence of Relationship?

  When I was in college there was a great book written by Josh McDowell, Evidence That Demands a Verdict. If you haven’t read it, I do recommend you take the time to do so. The point was that in the reading you had to answer for yourself if there was a God. I’d like to expand this thought in terms of how you relate to Him. If you believe in God, is there any evidence that you have a relationship with Him?

  If you are wondering how one goes about providing evidence then I would argue that your relationship is distant, at best. You should be able to cite page and verse of different examples of your knowledge of your evidence. If that statement sounded judgmental, not my intent but consider that if you have no evidence, how do you know you have a relationship? Who is God in your life? Do you turn to Him only in crisis situations? Do you invite Him in to your day to day life? What IS your relationship?

  Since the time of Adam, when the two of them would walk in the cool of the morning or when God would bring the animals to Adam to give them names, God has always operated on a relational basis of intimacy, not distance, not crisis. It would be my contention that He waits for us to involve Him in our lives. If that sounds as weird as it looks, it’s only because it is a definition that we aren’t accustomed to.

  Bottom line – God did everything He could, including providing His Son as the perfect sacrifice, to provide for the re-establishment of relationship with Him. He wants to be involved, not because He wants to control us or tells us what to do, but to be ‘friends’. Remember Jesus words? We are no longer slaves (Galatians 4:7), or strangers, aliens or foreigners (Ephesians 2:19), or servants (John 15:15). We are told that we are: sons and daughters (Galatians), citizens (Ephesians), and “I have called you friends, for everything I learned from my Father I have made known to you.” (John)

  Do you even want a relationship? If so, what type – distant or intimate? It makes no difference if this ‘makes sense to you’, it is what is available to you.
Your decision.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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