NOT being strong and courageous…

  Though this will sound counter-intuitive, the first thing we need to do in being strong and courageous is to recognize and accept the fact that we really aren’t strong and courageous. No matter how strong and self-willed (?) we are, we can never totally accomplish (fill in the blank) on our own, especially those eternal and essential ‘things’. Give up? Hardly. We aren’t asked to do everything on our own. It is critical to realize who we are – this is the starting point, but it is also critical to realize Whose we are – this makes all the difference.

  So if we aren’t strong and courageous… what do we do? How do we become strong? Example: 2 Chronicles 20 tells the story of King Jehoshaphat and Judah, who were facing a great multitude planning on crushing them. Seeking the Lord, they were told by God  

     “Do not be afraid or dismayed because of this great multitude, for 
      the battle is not yours, but God’s. (v. 15) … You will not need to fight…
      stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, … for the Lord is with you.”

Cues: seek the Lord, listen to what’s said, do not fear, the Lord is with you. These are the crucial acts that we need to do. And no, it isn’t easy but if we can only believe, we can do. And yes, some of the battles we do enter into, but never alone. The point is – never alone.

  The result? “Believe in the Lord your God, and you shall be established…” (v. 20) and in v. 27, they returned with joy, for the Lord had made them rejoice over their enemies. You can grow in strength and courage as you do what is required (seek, listen, do not fear, believe the Lord) and you will be victorious and established. 

  Scripture continually repeats itself to assure us that we aren’t alone, that we have a partner, that we have purpose and can fulfill ‘it’, that life is abundant, etc. The problem is believing that this for US and not just a special few. And then to do what we are asked – to be strong and courageous. Up to this last point we are delighted at what’s been given, but to be strong… not so much. Being strong is something we do, it’s not done to or for us, we have to choose to stand. Occasionally we will slip or falter, but then we can choose to be strong.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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