Communication is not necessarily Communicating

  I was sitting in a restaurant, typically one of my favorite places to people-watch, and was observing the interactions between an older couple (defined as in their 70’s). They were so solicitous toward each other – gentle and kind. Each was attempting to be of service: he pulling out the chair for her and she ‘fussing’ about the placement of water glass, silverware, napkin for him. What it did was to lead me to think about how interactions between people is so observable and indicative of both the person and the relationship. While that’s an obvious statement, it also caused me to think about my interactions – what are they ‘saying’ about me? Especially about how I go about communicating.

  In today’s society with all the technology that we rely on, too often we allow the technology to get in the way of the relationship, the communication. Actually I’ve seen what I presuppose is a family sitting at the table, each with their own ‘device’ and not even looking up at the others they are sitting with. And, if you talk about talking with each other – none exists. We truly have allowed our technology to control us. Or perhaps, technology is a shield. We use technology to say what we’d never say if the person was in front of us. But this can be a two-edged sword. Sometimes we really don’t communicate what it is we want to say and then become surprised at the response to our texts, messages… words. And how we handle these times is not always effective.

  Technology may be able to afford us a more immediate ability to reach out to others but it really isn’t the same as doing the reaching out. Sometimes the thinking goes… ‘I don’t have the time to call/stop by so I’ll send a quick text’, or ‘they should know about ( ) so I’ll email the info’, or whatever else may become the excuse.  Admittedly that is harsh and technology does afford us the opportunity to keep in touch with people we care about but live many miles away. That’s the positive. But, simultaneously I think that gossip’s greatest ally is technology – and we do hide behind it.

  No answers. Only questions. You have to determine what you will do with these technology issues. What is it you write? When do you do this? What is your motivation in your writing choice and content? Personally, I think it is the highest form of inconsiderate, disrespectful, and rude behavior when you are with others and you spend the time texting, messaging, using whatever device you have rather than interacting with those with you. You can’t blame technology! It is you what you choose to do.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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