Too little… too late?

 Too little? Too late? You missed your time? Have you lost your opportunity? But is it? Obviously, with some issues or opportunities (fill in the blank) it is and when it is an important assignment or opportunity it is always painful to realize you’ve missed it. However, never make assumptions. The ‘upside’ to ‘if it is true’ is that you are aware you missed an important opportunity, hopefully you will be more sensitive in the future. 

  Perhaps you can’t make amends for what was missed, but this doesn’t have to be translated into forever ‘unused’. Obviously, the precise situation won’t be repeated but I firmly believe that when it comes to God and His eternal issues; God will never let the situation go without redemption (someone else will have the honor to be His hand in the situation) nor will He let your opportunity go without giving you another chance.  

  Without our understanding and realizing what happened we won’t make changes, which is why I firmly believe at some point we all recognize our error, ‘mistake’. What we do with this understanding is what’s critical. As I’ve often said, ‘mistakes are a part of life’, how we respond to this is how we grow. It takes personal strength to admit our error and to resolve to not repeat it.

  I believe that unless we have the perspective that God’s plan is redemption not punishment, we have a misguided view of Who God is. He is never waiting with a hammer in His hand to hit us when we make mistakes. Over and over in His word He tells us that He wants for our good, that He is with us, that He has made us His workmanship, etc. All this tells us that He understands our temptations (Hebrews 2:18) and weakness (4:15) and He invites us to:

     “…come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy
      and find grace to help in time of need.” (v.16)

  Coming ‘boldly’ requires strength and courage, especially when we know we can’t (fill in the blank). But this is how we come because this strength and courage is built on confidence, based in our relationship with the Lord. He can. He has. He will.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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