Dr. Carolyn Coon

Starved for relevance

  I sometimes believe that the church isn’t aware that those eager faces sitting in the pews are starved for a relevant Christianity. Whether anyone would admit it or not, unless and until we are challenged as Christians we really are only a complacent christian – lip service people. Harsh condemnation? Perhaps… not certain.   But if you compare […]

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Turning back

  “There’s never any turning back to what once was.” (Charles Todd) Not unfamiliar words. We read similar statements to this thought, said mostly in a wistful voice. We all look at what once was and nostalgically think about all the good, all the positive that emanated from the ‘then’. Slight problem in that we

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  We all have read or heard – “we all come into this life with nothing”… and we depart in the same state. However, what you do with your in between time makes all the difference.   Since I ascribe to the philosophy that none of us accidentally stumbles into ‘nothings’, I would have to ‘assume’

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  For whatever reason I’ve been thinking about the future and what it might look like in 10 years. What I might look like… Though I believe in making plans, I tend to focus on now rather than tomorrow. What about you? For yourself, any thoughts? I suppose we could look now at our past

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Got a Book Question?

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