Dr. Carolyn Coon


  Is ‘curious’ a word that defines who you are? Do you look for discoveries and adventures? And… if not, why not? Being curious can be strictly an intellectual adventure. It can be a wondering about (fill in the blank). It can also be an actual hands on, outside the box action, which typically can be

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  Coming in second. Is there a worse feeling? Granted it depends… on your level of competitiveness, on the ‘prize’, if there is any reward for coming in second, and if you felt it was a fair contest. But it still remains that you have to deal with everything that accompanies being second – especially

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  “We’re only human.” Yes… your point? Let’s face it – it’s always used as an excuse. Why? Doesn’t everyone know this? Of course. Then why say it? I believe it’s because we need to explain why something that didn’t work in the way it was thought… didn’t. Or as a kind of ‘apology’ for

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Small scale

   I am absolutely positive that these 2 words used together were never part of my father’s vocabulary. I’m not completely confident that he even knew what they looked liked let alone meant. Example… we were a family of 4 and tomatoes were a popular ingredient. Most families would have 5-7 plants but not my

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