Dr. Carolyn Coon


  I don’t tend to think in ‘impossible-s’. But I’ve had to rethink this and wonder about how or if I handle my (unacknowledged?) impossible-s when they do arise. Do I consciously act on what I say we should do in difficult situations – turn to the Lord? Do I follow through on my analysis […]

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  My neighbor died early this morning, totally unexpected. As for age, she was in her mid 40’s. Relationship: it really wasn’t that we were close but we had a friendly, fellow apartment-resident rapport. Not the point. Death is the salient point, not age, though relationship does intensify our reaction, even that isn’t the point.

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  How to handle, what to do about disappointments is such a difficult lesson to learn. Some of the reasons for the difficulty rest in the fact that disappointment is imbued with feelings. You can never eliminate your feelings when dealing with disappointment. And perhaps that was the most significant learning for me. I’m not

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  Epiphany (Webster): “a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience; any moment of great or sudden revelation…” Yes! Love Epiphanies. Most of the time they are of the sudden or great variety, at least for me.

Epiphany! Read More »


  Most of us have great difficulty asking for counsel … especially from the Lord. Why we continue to do this, when we have our experience from the times we didn’t turn to Him, remains mystifying. Unfortunately, we still seem to pursue this self-defeating behavior – to our own pain and hurt. Why? Primarily because

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  What do you do when trouble rears its head? Are you mystified that it came? How do you feel? What do you do? Do you run for cover? Do you blame others? Did you have contingency plans determined before you began this particular venture? To expect that you will live a life free from

Trouble… Read More »

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