Dr. Carolyn Coon


  Do you ever do something… grudgingly? Of course you do! We all do. And the success of the expenditure of (money, time, energy, etc.) is??? Yes, sometimes there is success and many times – not. And can we take any credit for the success? What about our involvement? Could we have made a difference […]

Grudgingly… Read More »


   According to definition, legacy is: “a gift … anything handed down from the past.” With that as the operational definition, do you know what your legacy is? What gifts are you giving? What are you handing down? Yes, it can be tangible items and these can be ‘memory points’ for the recipient, but of

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  Do you feel that you are going through a time(s) of disconnect? Precisely, from what do you feel you are disconnected? Is it other people? Perhaps your dreams? Your source of  identity? The feeling of disconnect can be nebulous and undefined so if you are feeling this way then the first thing you need

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  Personally, I’m a purpose based (driven) person. I don’t do well in meaninglessness. What about you? Obviously I don’t mean on a level of intensity that it becomes consuming and obsessive. Nor do I mean the elimination of those fun, spontaneous, and joyful times and activities that occur; because while there may not be an

Purposed? Read More »

Living Expectantly

  Do you live expectantly? Consciously expectant? Or does your expectant relate to specific areas or times, specific people? Subconsciously, somewhere in our deep recesses, we always live with a sense of some level of expectant… but is your life fully alert, not tense, alert? Perhaps the question should be… will you recognize what you are

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