Dr. Carolyn Coon


  What are you afraid of? What made or makes you afraid of (fill in the blank)? Why are you afraid? Can you do anything to deflect or eliminate the threat? Perhaps the important question(s) should be… what lessons have you learned from being afraid? Have those lessons made you stronger and feel less threatened? Does your […]

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  Are you a ‘practical’ person? You don’t spell practical, c-o-m-p-r-o-m-i-s-e, do you? They aren’t the same thing and they produce two entirely different results. (And from experience… one of those path choices may not be all that it’s cracked up to be.) Webster defines practical by itself which I find quite annoying – that doesn’t

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  Who and what is the source when we feel condemnation? And… exactly what IS condemnation? I suspect we all think we know what it is… do we? Webster says that it is primarily an act that we express toward someone or something. Most synonyms use the word ‘condemn’ in them which is not helpful

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‘Small stuff’…

  Years ago a friend gave me a book called: “God is in the small stuff… and it all matters” (highly recommend). Love the title but love the thought more. And… it’s true. There is no insignificant ‘stuff’ with God because He is interested and concerned about everything that impacts and influences us. What a terrific lesson to learn (and

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Sugar coating

  “A spoonful of sugar” may make the medicine go down but sugar coating does nothing to disguise anything. I’ve discovered that I do not do sugar coating (which will be no surprise to my friends). I do believe I’m a good encourager and not bad at cheerleading, but sugar coating is not an attribute,

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  There’s a speech given by Job (26:1-4) that should provide us all with a basis to rethink and judge what and how and why we choose what we say: “How have you helped him who is without power? How have you saved the arm that has no strength? How have you counseled one who has

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Attitude of Gratitude

  I’ve written about attitude(s) in nearly every post in some fashion. And, I’ve written about gratitude multiple times in various contexts. Combining the two words is underscoring the import and impact of both and how they complement each other. Webster defines ‘gratitude’ as: “…the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful” and uses

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  25+ years ago my Pastor, Tim, preached a sermon about contending for one’s ministry, one’s calling. In all the years since, this message has stayed with me. Though I can’t tell you precisely what he said, I can tell you the sense of how it profoundly impacted me. Now couple that with a short story by

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
