Dr. Carolyn Coon


  Have you truly considered the impact that word has on your relationships??? All your relationships. Your level of trust – in the other person, in yourself, in the relationship – determines what you do and say and what you don’t. Granted, that’s an obvious statement, but do you really consider the effect and influence […]

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  Such a relatively simple word but one that is jammed packed with all sorts of interpretations and reactions. Have you considered the word? I’m totally convinced that this one aspect impacts so much of our feelings and subsequent behavior, many times without our awareness. Are you the recipient of words (and acts?) of appreciation?

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Search and Explore

  Do you consider yourself an explorer? One of the definitions from Webster is: “to examine or investigate”. While pioneer and ‘adventurer’ describe the person who engages in this activity, it is ‘seeker’ that really indicates the mindset of an explorer.  And while exploration is typically viewed in terms of the far flung reaches of space or world…

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Travel light!

  Open your suitcase or unzip your backpack – what do you see? What’s in your baggage that you truly need and want and what is excess? Do you see lack of forgiveness? Even toward yourself? What about unthinking ‘disorganization’? Is there yesterday’s pain? Maybe you have un-success (which is different from ‘failure’)? What are those

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  We all have guides. And these guides go under a variety of names. Sometimes these guides are people – but sometimes the problem is that we don’t look deeply into their personal philosophies to know if they are people we should follow. But there are other guides, for example the principles that come from experience or

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  The word does deserve a !!! What do you believe about destiny? Is it by chance? by choice? How do you know if you are on your path to your destiny? Are there signs you are following? H-O-W do you KNOW??? And the answers to those questions lead you on your path to your

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
