Dr. Carolyn Coon


Whatever happened to manners???? Where did please and thank you and you’re welcome go? And what happened to a simple acknowledgement of  something received? Why is it so not necessary to sincerely express them? I know I’m giving away my age with these questions but… whatever happened to these simple kindnesses? While my questions may sound like

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Do you get caught in ‘proving’? Proving defined as a visible demonstration of … whatever you are wanting (needing) to prove. Reality says that the proving is primarily for yourself – not for others. This can become a block or stumbling stone if you feel that it is mandatory to be able to demonstrate. This also

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some would say, starts at home. But that’s only one of the end results of charity – it really begins in the heart and expands outward. Charity has to be expressed. Spiritually, most definitions use love and charity interchangeably. For some reason the secular definition of the two words are related but separated – I will follow the spiritual basis. Charity is defined

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One of the more difficult concepts to try and understand is ‘covenant’. What the western world doesn’t fully appreciate is the far reaching implications that a covenant covers. A covenant is not like a contract – it’s meant to be kept. In contrast, most contracts include an escape clause and death typically ends the contractual relationship.

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Loose ends?

Life is a series of loose ends… was a comment I read. I’m not too certain what the author meant since it must have been a throw away line but I was intrigued. If we accept the comment as accurate then how we live with our loose ends says a great deal about who we are.

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
