Dr. Carolyn Coon


There are killers that will attempt to take your life. Actually they aren’t subtle at all, they blatantly attempt to direct how you look at life. They go under the names of: bitterness, blame, self hatred and a few others. Each are like a slow growing disease taking the joy and peace from your life… if […]

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To paraphrase an old saying… “do you boldly go where no one …”? Does ‘bold’ describe you…as a Christian? Or do you hide in your closet of political correctness (whatever those words mean)? Do you proudly proclaim? No, I’m not talking about a ‘being in your face’ approach though it certain doesn’t seem to affect non-Christians’

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What do you do when a crisis breaks or is about to break – at least from your perspective? Go into panic mode? Many people do head, sometimes prematurely, into panic when they think a crisis is imminent. Panic rarely provides answers though, at best panic gives you a momentary band aid, but only for

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You feed your natural person 2-3 times a day unless you are a ‘grazer’, in which case you may mini-feed  throughout the day. But what about your spirit man (woman)? Does your spirit need less ‘food’? How often, and with what are you feeding your spirit? Specifically, are you feeding your spirit only milk or

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Certain? Doubt?

On the supremely confidently certain to the major doubting continuum where are you?  Are you certain? What are you certain about? No doubts? No fears? Totally confident? Yes I realize it depends on the subject but is one or the other the major condition you find yourself occupying? Do/are you doing anything to ‘move’ yourself off of

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You are aware, aren’t you, that miracles happen every day?  Miracles are all around you… if you open the eyes of your heart to see them. What are miracles? There are a myriad of definitions of the word but the simpler the definition the easier to recognize them. Webster seems slightly conflicted about the definition: 1- an extremely

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What does ‘thankful’ mean for/to you? Is it a phrase you toss out, a kind of ‘gee, thanks’ comment? Or is it something you have thought about and have experienced the result that causes a thankful spirit? Unfortunately thanks, thanksgiving, thankful are words that everyone ‘knows’ – but do we? Do you know how to

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I can’t speak for you, but personally I always loved rewards. They were a kind of period on what I was doing and that what I did … excelled. But to be honest, I really don’t think it was so much what the reward was as it was the anticipation of a reward. Receiving a ‘star’ for some academic

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