Dr. Carolyn Coon

Accomplish… ment

When you hear the word, accomplish/accomplishment what springs into your mind? I always think of ‘victory’ – gaining victory over something, not someone. For me, accomplishment is typically defined in terms of self success. Webster says that accomplish means, “to succeed in doing” and then stops at defining ‘doing’. I like that because I can

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“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” (Romans 12:2). As you can see from this scripture we have 2 statements – to not be conformed and to be transformed. However, this is what we do. A magic wand is not waved over our heads so

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Thank you Lord!

(This is typically said with an exclamation mark and a spoken, or not, ‘whew’.) It struck me anew how quickly we are to say, ‘Thank you Lord’, when we’ve suddenly emerged or escaped from a difficult situation. Or, how we use those words when things are going well and we are happy and pleased and

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We all get angry, period. The difference lies in how we handle it. There are basically two ways: inward, which is extremely self-destructive and outward, which can also be self-destructive but can be resolved more quickly (apology). When anger is coped with internally the resultant behavior is typically passive aggressive in order to get what

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If ever there was a word that created nearly instantaneous warm feelings it’s the word, ‘holiday’. It can conjure up all sorts of reactions, mostly positive. The word evokes a change from the normal everyday activities and a great deal of joy. Often the word is related to thoughts of great food and in great

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Friends are important. But how do you define the word? What makes a good friend? And… according to your own definition, are you a good friend?According to Webster, a friend is: “a person whom one knows well and is fond of, an ally, supporter, sympathizer”. This definition provides 5 essential qualities – known, fond of,

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Fence Sitting

It really is quite uncomfortable being a fence sitter. Plus, no one can count on you because you are constantly trying to shift your position to still stay on the fence but be in a more comfortable position. Not going to happen. And with all the shifting going on – do you know where you

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Are you presumptuous? The answer is that we all are, in some fashion, and especially so with God. Presumptuous in my world of definitions is: typically overt, expectation not based in hope but based in a more demanding sense. We expect, underlined, that God will do what we are wanting. There is no, or little,

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Success can be punctuated with a period or an exclamation mark – both valid, but one has more celebration associated with it. But, what is success? Webster says it is: “a favorable result, the gaining of wealth, fame, etc.” When you think about the word, what people pop to mind that you consider successful? Are

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Got a Book Question?

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