Dr. Carolyn Coon


What is it? What does it mean? What does it require? … Why me!!!!Actually, everyone is constantly witnessing by their actions, by their words. You are, consciously or not, ‘witnessing’ to what you think, what you believe – every moment! One way of considering what a witness is/does is to consider what happens in court: […]

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Do you have one? Actually, vision is so important that the Word tells us we will perish for the lack of one! This is not something to be taken lightly. So what, exactly, is a ‘vision’? Vision is the motivating force that propels us toward our future, our destiny. Vision is the panoramic ‘big picture’

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Lord’s Prayer

I know, I know…. everyone has written on the Lord’s Prayer countless times. Sometimes we almost seem too familiar with it and don’t really see or appreciate it. The prayer is incredibly powerful because it was given by Jesus in answer to a question by His disciples. By watching Him they all noticed that often

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If you are a Christian then you are a chosen person. You were chosen, not for anything you did (or would do) or who you are. Your were chosen from the beginning of time and God was waiting for you …. to chose. You were chosen by Him in love. Being chosen is not something

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… know

For me, there are certain concepts that I highly value. ‘Know’ is one of them. When I first was saved, there was soooo much I wanted to know. But… could I really know? And though I realize this is very sophomoric, but what is ‘know’? I believe there are two critical components to knowing… the

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