Dr. Carolyn Coon


If you were to write your own epitaph right now… what would you say? Would you be happy with what you’ve accomplished? Would you be pleased with who you’ve become? If someone else wrote it – how would it mesh with what you would say? Would you emphasize the same things that someone else would?

Epitaph Read More »

Christianity – Political Correct…… oxymoron

We live in a world that is full of compromisers and relativists and fence straddlers. And, one of the current, rather painful, straddle is Christian and politically correct. Quite honestly, not possible. Why attempt to marry two diametrically different approaches to life?The ‘don’t rock the boat’ or ‘trying to please’ mentality attempts to do both

Christianity – Political Correct…… oxymoron Read More »


So, Cosmic Reader, what’s your opinion about adventures? Do you like them? Not like them? Plan them? Let them occur naturally? Welcome them? Avoid them at all costs? I believe that adventures are always just around the corner…. waiting to spring. Love that. Not sure if it’s the waiting or springing that always brings a

Adventures!!! Read More »

Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
