Dr. Carolyn Coon


You do realize that you can go over 100% mark – it’s called the ‘above and beyond’ state. Problems (burnout) tend to occur when you try and do the 100+% with a number of things in your life. It never works…. at least it doesn’t for me.Personally I define this state as ‘commitment’. It is […]

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To paraphrase an old saying: You can please some of the people some of the time, and please part of the people part of the time, but there is absolutely no way you can ever please all of the people all of the time! So what’s the alternative? Please no one? Au contrare. That’s placing

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Now what?????

What do you do, Cosmic Reader, when you get blindsided? Or, when the worse case scenario actually occurs? How do you cope? What do you do next? Do you have options? Have you planned for possibilities?We all face these struggles/obstacles/realities. Unless you are very, very unusual you face disappointments, however you choose to define the

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“They” say you can’t choose your family but you can choose your friends. It’s a trite saying because it’s true. There’s another saying that’s equally apt: Home is where your story begins. In my case, if I could choose a family…. it would be the one I’ve been blessed with – warts and all.It’s home

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Pet Peeves…

Everyone has pet peeves but there are some things that zoom up to the top of my list quite easily. Example: in the check-out lane at your favorite grocery store, they also give you coupons to entice you back into the store later. Typically it is a limited time offer but what is truly irritating

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
