Dr. Carolyn Coon

Fear and Love

Disclaimer: read the following as an introduction. It is impossible to fully consider fear and love in a simple blog post, but I can suggest this as a teaser study for you and a promise that if you engage in it, it will profoundly affect you and everything you know and are. I do not […]

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Do you know the definition? Do you know what it means? More important… do you know how it applies to you? Webster’s definition says: “not possible to revoke”. Well, that’s not helpful, is it? Synonyms: irreplaceable, irrecoverable, irredeemable, irreversible… this I interpret to mean a done deal, can’t and won’t be undone. Thankfully, scripture gives

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I believe I’ve finally developed a definition that is simple, accurate, and easily understood concerning… Disobedient: anytime we act (including speak) contrary to what we KNOW the Lord wants us to do, say. I think that there really isn’t unthinking disobedience. And yet, we may not be aware of the fallout and ramifications from our

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Got a Book Question?

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