Dr. Carolyn Coon

Strength’s source

Have you ever considered the source of your strength? Do you know what threatens or challenges (these are not the same) your strength? Do you continue to build up your strength? Do you think you are strong enough??? Do you know who/what your ‘enemy’ is? Sometimes we forget how scripture describes, defines us. Conquerors (Romans 8:37), Joint […]

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A Personal Note

Occasionally I include a note of ‘explanation’ (further understanding) for the reader. This is such a time. I undoubtedly have said something similar in the past… If you’ve read any of my posts you’ll see I include a great deal of scripture. Reason and Purpose merge as to my why. Too often we see only

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Change #2

I’m not sure change is ever instantaneous. I believe it takes work: commitment, diligence, patience, intentionally, understanding… and a great deal more. Repeating: it takes WORK, especially when you are trying to ‘improve’ you. And I’m convinced, at least for me, that it is never a ‘walk in the park’ and can be painful. BUT

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The new normal

Such a strange phrase… and yet it is universally used though rarely defined. Often the phrase is used to distinguish a major event that changes the course of (fill in the blank). It is so expansive as to not provide any understanding, except that what was probably will never be again. So, what does that

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You do appreciate that the church is composed of… people, humans (including you), who don’t always act on their status as Christians. We all do and say things we probably shouldn’t, even when we think we have the answer or ‘know’. Forgiveness and understanding should always be the foundation of our interactions and reactions, especially

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And there ‘they’ are. Didn’t ask for them. Totally unwanted. But they come anyway. Probably, because we attach too much significance to them… yes? Regardless, they rarely go away of their own accord. And, rarely do they do so willingly. Soooo, when they come – what do you do? I suspect it could be argued

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A good work

Have you ever considered yourself as a good work? Why not’? Look at what scripture says: “I am convinced and confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will [continue to] perfect and complete it until the day of Christ Jesus [the time of His return].”(Philippians 1:6, AMP) 

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
