Dr. Carolyn Coon

One and done

Do we really believe this? Especially with those fundamental and foundational areas in our lives… are any really one and done? OK, some things can be one and done, like salvation. As long as salvation is defined in terms of the beginning and not the end of this life change. I believe that most things […]

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The hole

I read, heard that we all have a hole in us… and, that the only thing that fills up or satisfies is God. Believe this? I do. I think that many of us try to fill the hole with everything we can think of… fame, fortune, multiple people/places/things, etc. But nothing ever seems to fully

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A Zest for Life

is not the same as a Zest for Living. A zest for life is far more impersonal, abstracted than a zest for living. The latter requires, demands an involvement. A zest for living invites you in and then consumes any pretense or falsifying of who you are. But then, that’s my romantic definition. However, it

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Are you? To whom are you accountable? And for what? Many people? Many things? Actually, do you know what accountable means? Webster says: “required to explain actions or decisions. Synonyms – amenable, answerable, liable, responsible”. It doesn’t say that if you have those to whom you ‘report’ to, provide your thinking about plans and action,

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It’s a Process

I don’t know how many times I’ve said this, written about it, or implied that Everything that is of major importance in life is a process! Nothing is instantaneous… and when it comes to essential issues, it probably is never ending too. Experience suggests that whatever the major issue is.. it is either atrophying or

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Ever really thought about this? “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever.” (Psalm 23:6, ESV) Are Goodness and Mercy following you? If so… do you acknowledge this? If not… do you know why? I suppose the question really


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