Dr. Carolyn Coon


We are told numerous times that we, as in WE, need to renew our minds. But exactly what does this mean? (Always remember that when we are asked, commanded to do something, that it really is something we can do.) Scripture provides many verses that speak to this issue: 2 Timothy 1:7, Jeremiah 33:3, Matthew 12:34-35, Proverbs

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I’ve written about fear before. It is true that when faith exists, fear has no place to go. Fear can never coexist with Faith – faith is always stronger. Do notice that I never said it was easier. Do you have fears in your life? Most people do and attempt to avoid them at all

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Have you ever noticed the differences in the word, ‘no’? Sometimes we can seem to hear… ‘maybe’ in the intonation. Other times it seems to be ‘NO!!!’. A ‘later’ may also be inferred. Then again, it may all be a function of the focus, context. What is it we are wanting, needing that we sense

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On what do you base your foundation on which you act? How confident are you of the source of your standard? And yes, we all have some basis on which we respond, think. Yours?Personally, I have to have something that is irrefutable, that doesn’t ‘depends on the situation’, that is proven to be true, and

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Two pronged, actually. One is … who/what do you blame. The other is – do you feel that the finger of blame is always pointed at you… and you are blameless?Seriously – who and what do you blame? Do you have a ‘go to’ blame-ee? What’s your first thought? To shift the blame focus from you

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