Dr. Carolyn Coon


On hindsight… and sometimes during, do you ever stop and ask yourself WHY are you doing what you’re doing? I do. Sometimes I surprise (both negatively and positively) myself! Not always want to be surprised in this fashion. But the answer to why I am doing (fill in the blank) sometimes seems to elude me.

Why???!!! Read More »

Woman’s place…?

I often think that Paul is the most misquoted and misinterpreted writer in scripture. He has been labeled a misogynist by many women who suffered from men who have attempted to put them down ‘piously’ by misquoting or misunderstanding the context of Paul’s words. The women haven’t advanced their ‘case’ either by doing precisely the

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Do you ‘like’ structure? Whose? Do you place your own structure for yourself or allow others to place structure on you? No choice? Of course there’s choice! Point is if you allow others to place the structure, who do you trust to have your best interests in mine when providing it? And when I said

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Feared into

Has the attempt been made on you to fear you into something? That if you don’t – or do – (fill in the blank) something dire will happen? How does this make you feel? Minimally… irritated! Doesn’t work. If fear is the motivator then whatever is ‘changed’ has no foundation. It will last only as

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“Judgments are a confession of character.” Just read that on a FB post. What a terrific observation.True that! And a wake up call? Surprised? I’m not certain we all realize this or that others may ‘judge’ us by our judgments… but it is a logical progression – yes? Do you engage, consciously(?), in doing the same

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   “…the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image    of God. (v4). For God…has shone in our hearts to give the light    of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. (v6)    But we have this treasure in jars of clay

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
