Dr. Carolyn Coon

One accord

One accord is NOT compromise. It may not even be a consensus. One accord is accepting and acting in unity. Seeing the ‘bigger picture’ and acting on what is agreed as ‘in everyone’s best interests’. Obviously, the problem is in the definitions and ‘leadership’. Who defines? Who steps up and is the one who rallies everyone

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The Mob mindset

  Ever thought that most people are susceptible to this? You? You! How could I accuse you of this?!! Simply because anyone at anytime can become swayed by the Mob mindset, and (sometimes) be unaware till later. The Mob mindset is swift, emotional, and can blindside us when we don’t act according to the standard

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THE Problem

… is Power, actually I should have written it as – POWER! Authority. Control. Over…? The ‘over’ answer is – everything and anything that touches our lives, our world. Not gonna happen though for the vast majority of people.So how do we compensate for this lack of total and utter control? By attempting to exercise

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I sometimes wonder if we underestimate the Lord – perhaps not consciously or even with any awareness. We look at (life, challenges, us, fill in the blank) and only see our lack or inability to affect our situation. Yes, sometimes it is an excuse because we don’t want to do/be … but sometimes it is

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Expecting is one thing…Presuming is another

While it may be argued that expecting and presuming are related… they really aren’t. Though admittedly, they may seem to be the same. According to Webster, expecting: “to anticipate or look forward to the coming or occurrence of…”. Presuming: “having a feeling of superiority that shows itself in an overbearing attitude.”Many might argue that presuming

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Such a waste of time… not to mention energy and emotion. However, that logic doesn’t seem to affect our use of regrets. Evidence of our sorrow is seen in our actions. How we handle this – what we do… or don’t do – is the evidence of who we are and how we deal with this. Question:

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  Do you extend restoration to those who hurt you but regret this and want to maintain the relationship. I must admit that this is another of my favorite words… because the potential result (restored) holds so much promise. However, how do you define restore? Do you believe this possible for yourself? in relationships? with the Lord?

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
