Dr. Carolyn Coon


  Ahhh Spring. Even the word brings a smile. We can shake off the boots and heavy coats and feel the warmth of the sun instead. Such bliss… until winter does its thing and hammers us at least one more time. But we know now that spring hasn’t left us and will return. This is […]

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  We all are. Being imperfect is not the issue – dealing with being imperfect is! There was a thoughtful post on Facebook that said:      “There’s no need to be perfect to inspire others. Let people get      inspired by how you deal with your imperfections.” The ‘author’ of this quote is unknown, but the

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Operating on Numb

  Definition (mine): operating on ‘numb’ is going through the motions, knowing what’s happening around you but later, realizing you were not engaged though you managed to do what was ‘necessary’. Long definition but I felt I needed a more thorough description for you to understand what I am saying. Point – do you find

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Grown Up

  Looking at yourself right now… in the world you live – is this who you thought you’d be? Are you doing what you thought you’d be doing? Have/Are you fulfilling your promise, potential? Do you think your parents, close friends, and relatives believe what you’ve become is who you are? What about the Lord?

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Got a Book Question?

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