Dr. Carolyn Coon


  Do we ever escape it? Our past sins, mistakes, etc. does God really forgive? Are they truly cast far from us? Isn’t there always repercussions, punishments, and other ramifications? Will we ever be truly free? Should we be?!!! Perhaps leaving us to our own devices is the punishment – and that was not a

Our PAST Read More »


  If you believe that the devil has ANY control over you, then you’ve bought into a lie. He has only the control that you allow him. Sadly, since we seem to be so deluded in a number of ways in a number of areas… that can grow into a significant amount of control. And,

Succumbing Read More »

Birthday present

  Earlier today I began writing my next ‘article’ for the church’s newsletter. Since it will be for December, I thought about the wonder of Christmas and all that attends this time of year. Personally, it is and has always been my favorite time of the year. It’s those ‘attends’ things that occur that I’ve

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Relationship 101

  The subtitle could read: how to build a relationship in two easy steps. Not daunting. Building a relationship truly is not rocket science, but it isn’t casual either. So my title may be somewhat misleading. EVERY relationship needs time, interest in the other person, allowing the other person to make mistakes but not condemning

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
