Dr. Carolyn Coon


How do you react to questions? As an intrusion? As an attack or challenge to what you just said? As a ‘inquiring minds want to know’? Then again, you need to know the question-asker. Personally, I’ve never met a question I didn’t like… and, I never ask an idle question. However, that may not be

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I wonder…

[I’m starting a new series today. It’s called “I wonder…”. Yes, this does make this a third ‘series’ – your point? Pondering and wondering are 2 of my favorite activities, so I thought I’d occasionally share this pastime as a series too. To me, wonder/ponder are ‘analyzing tools’. ‘What if’ is a mate but is

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January 1st

Goodness it got here fast. 2023 seemed to fly by. I do realize that, saving leap year, each year has precisely the same number of days and hours… but I will maintain that some years seem to go by faster… and, I might add – fuller. Full is a good until one’s plate is overflowing…

January 1st Read More »

Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
