Dr. Carolyn Coon

Application is

 … the personalization of learning through demonstration, expression of what has been learned. Simple definition, but with no equivocation. I realize that I talk a great deal about application, demonstration, learning and all in the context of personalization. (Webster doesn’t seem to like my word – but personalization – the integration into one’s mindset, lifestyle

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Your many voices

  I sometimes wonder if we realize just how many voices we have. Voices, in this context, refers to the myriad of expressions we use to ‘voice’ who we are and what we think and believe. There is the audible one, but even this isn’t a singular expression because it includes, among others, facial expression,

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  “Goodbyes” – pertinent, I think. How do you respond to the ‘condition’ of goodbye? Goodbye is not always an easy or simple act. But sometimes, maybe, just maybe, when we put it in context it is or can become a moment of … not necessarily joy or happiness, but understanding and even acceptance… and

Goodbyes… Read More »

Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
