From the Heart of Dr. Carolyn Coon
Dr. Carolyn's Books
Does your Faith Need Strengthening?
I may be able to offer some different or alternative perspectives as you consider those questions, challenges, opportunities, and problems to decisions facing you, no matter where you are on your journey.
My goal in writing is for the reader to determine their answers and direction – I simply provide options and other questions. Questions, in my estimation, are a means for us to understand exactly what we do think and believe, and the basis on how we subsequently act. Action/Application, in my world of definitions, is our demonstration of who we are and what we believe.

I should explain that my books are published under two names, both mine: “Carolyn Coon” and “Dr. Carolyn Coon”.
WHY? Simple, I discovered that I am not the only one with my name, so to distinguish myself I included the ‘Dr’ for all subsequent books. Legitimate – I did earn a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan.”
Series & Stand-Alone Books
Click on your choice below
YOU and Church: What's your relationship... and what do you want it to be?
My 3rd and latest series: It is time to expand into some new and exciting areas and trains of thought. Join me in a Journey of Discovery!
My Second Series: Five books are devoted to exploring the you in context to, well, the Father's heart. Learn and explore the 'unknown you.'
The ME AND THEE series
My original series: I began my book writing journey with the 'Me and Thee' book series.
My Stand-Alone Books:
Stand-Alone Books
Info about these Books
This ‘stand alone’ book’s purpose is to encourage and help the church to stand and act
in the times we live in with confidence and assurance.
They challenge us to look at how we are the church in the world we live in.
Becoming Me!!!
Becoming ME!!! is a stand-alone book detailing the journey I’ve been on since the first 8 months of 2023. I have tried to share the learnings, discoveries, re-discoveries, understandings, expansions on my knowledge, etc. It has been a glorious time and is far from finished. The Lord is a fantastic teacher but also chooses to help me become His workman (Ephesians 2) and grow. Since I am a teacher as well as a learner, I wanted to share all the questions I’ve discovered and how (my) the answers impact on who I am, Whose I am, and how I am going about ,,, Becoming ME.
This book is designed to help the Reader make their own discoveries through my questions and answers as a counterpoint to their discoveries and understandings.
Stand Alone Book - RELEASE DATE:
September 19, 2023 - ISBN:
979-8858713579 - PAGES:
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Dear Church
Not part of any series the book’s target audience is the church: whether attending, pew sitting, or actively involved. It is a compilation of all the articles I have written for my church’s monthly newsletter the past 5 years. My purpose is to encourage, help the church to stand and act in the times we live in with confidence and assurance. The articles are 250-280 words in length so they provide a tease, a challenge to look at how we are the church in the world in which we live.
Stand Alone Book - RELEASE DATE:
June 27, 2019 - ISBN:
978-1099338601 - PAGES:
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Most Recent Series:
Journey of Discovery
Info about this Book Series
This series builds on the foundations set by the previous two series.
I believe that Life is a Journey, an Adventure, and our learning lab
where we discover who we are, what we do, and how we go about being us.
“The DiscoverieS” is the fifth and final book in the third series – Journey of Discoveries. It summarizes only some of the discoveries I’ve made… or rediscovered… or built upon. My bias is that discoveries, adventures, exploring are the ways we grow as Christians. And ‘grow’ is a major theme in my life. Also I believe that there is no spiritual learning that is one and done. We are always adding to what we know about ourselves, our faith, our Lord and then applying what we’ve discovered. I always believe this is a great joy. My books are designed to make you think, to discover, refine what you believe. As Christians we need to act in confidence and love as we present the Truth to others who don’t know the Lord. Christians are made Ambassadors for the Lord and we share/witness to our experiences.
Some of the topics discussed are: YOUR Authority, the REAL You, and ouch, ouch, ouch
The Journey of Discovery (book #5 of 4) - RELEASE DATE: October 13th, 2022
979-8847393249 - PAGES:
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In spiritual matters, we never totally plumb the depths of a topic, it is like unwrapping an onion with layer upon layer or spiritually: line upon line, precept upon precept. The focus, is always – You… and who you are and are becoming and how you go about being you. Your personal standards are considered according to the directions and instructions scripture provides. The methodology is to ask questions so that the reader finds their answers. I hope that I challenge and encourage the reader in their discoveries. I do provide my opinion as a counterpoint to consider the topic but the reader chooses what they follow.
Some of the topics discussed are: Living in a time of Grace, Not Home yet, And God Answered.
The Journey of Discovery (book #4 of 4) - RELEASE DATE: August 1st, 2021
979-8531656261 - PAGES:
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The Search
Book 3 in the Journey of Discovery series
Typically, the start in any search begins with the end result in mind. The main reason for this is so that we have all the necessary ‘tools’ available for the search: what resources are critical to a successful conclusion, what is the expected time needed for completion, etc. But this is not always the case… Soooo…. what are you searching for? Contentment? Peace? Meaning? ‘What’s it all about’? Belonging? Family? Your call? Some of the above? All of the above? More… even those that aren’t completely defined? This book suggests many of those issues, questions, challenges, ‘things’ we are (should be?) searching for/about. The entries will focus on foundational issues, areas that I feel are critical to search for… that we need to have our personal answers and how we apply them. It isn’t an exhaustive list but, minimally, they are first steps in searching…
Some of the topics discussed are: Rethinking What You Thought, What do you want to Find???, & Going beyond your boundaries.
The Journey of Discovery (book #3 of 3) - RELEASE DATE:
July 4th, 2020 - ISBN:
979-8646585890 - PAGES:
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The Next Steps
Book 2 in the Journey of Discovery series
The 2nd book in this series focuses on the next steps involved once we’ve accepted Jesus as our Lord. The purpose is to identify the topics, learnings, and understandings in what our next steps entail. Step 1 is Salvation and then our adventure begins. Now we start our process of becoming our best us we can become. Ours is a never-ending journey that provides us with the information and understandings to act as the Ambassadors we have become (2 Corinthians 5:17-21) and to grow in our knowledge and understanding. This adventurous journey provides us with a confidence to face our struggles and temptations in becoming our best. It also gives us a quest worthy of following. Our journey provide us with guides and fellowship as we walk our talk. The ‘format’ also invites the reader into reflecting, interacting with what the entry teaches and the questions only the reader can answer for themselves… how it applies to their life and journey.
Some of the topics discussed are: Are You Asking?, Mountains…and More Mountains, The World in which you Live
The Journey of Discovery (book #2 of 2) - RELEASE DATE:
October 9, 2019 - ISBN:
978-1079293074 - PAGES:
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The Start
Book 1 in the Journey of Discovery series
The first book in a new series focus is on identifying, describing, and defining those foundations and structural components in our personal mindset of who we are and how we go about being us: what we do and why. Like the previous two series, the format is one of asking questions to assist the reader in discovering, confirming and refining their own beliefs that underscore their words and behaviors. My view is that we all are on a journey, one to discover who we are, how we go about being ‘us’, why we believe as we do and how all this forms into our interactions with our world.
Some of the topics discussed are: Risks and Realities, Everyday Christianity for the Everyday Person, It is written, Yesterday’s Eyes.
The Journey of Discovery (book #1 of 1) - RELEASE DATE:
January 14, 2019 - ISBN:
978-1792654718 - PAGES:
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My Second Series:
The Father's Heart
Info about this Book Series
Five books are devoted to exploring the you in context to, well, the Father’s heart. Learn and explore the ‘unknown you.’
Be an Overcomer
Book 5 of 5 of The Father’s Heart series
Helps, Hindrances, Strengths, Challenges – the spiritual and the secular are considered in the context of everyday life to help the reader determine and know their answers to direct their lives. The focus is on the fact that we are created by a loving Father to be Overcomers in the world in which we live… to make a difference and live the fruitful and fulfilling life available to us.
Some of the topics discussed are: The Thorns in Life, I am persuaded, We all Matter, Meaning and Value
The Father’s Heart (book #5 of 5) - RELEASE DATE:
October 21, 2017 - ISBN:
978-1976509186 - PAGES:
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Be Excellent
Book 4 of 5 of The Father’s Heart series
The subtitle is “(You really can)”. And we can. Much of the trouble stems from definitions. What is Excellent? In my Forward I try to encourage the reader by reminding them that God didn’t make you a copy of someone else – you are special and unique. But you also need to discover you. “I should add that ‘excellent’ is never a final destination, it’s a method, a process that expresses who you are, what you do, and how you go about doing all that.”
Some of the topics discussed are: It takes time…, Stones and Boulders, Make You count, Your Best YOU.
The Father’s Heart (book #4 of 5) - RELEASE DATE:
September 19, 2016 - ISBN:
978-1536828894 - PAGES:
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Be ...
Book 3 of 5 of The Father’s Heart series
All my books are written for those who live their lives realizing that they live ‘in the trenches’, which is why most of my writing is designed to encourage. “BE …” continues this journey. I invite the reader into discovering who they are becoming in the world in which they live by looking at those attributes, qualities that define their character. The goal is so we do live a confident, abundant, fruitful life – full of joy, love and adventures
Some of the topics discussed are: Challenged, (un) Defeated, (a) Paradigm Shifter, Surprised.
The Father’s Heart (book #3 of 5) - RELEASE DATE:
November 8, 2015 - ISBN:
978-1517495251 - PAGES:
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Be Strong and Courageous
Book 2 of 5 of The Father’s Heart series
Be Strong and Courageous is a book designed to encourage and support the reader in their journey to become the best person they can be. We all need to know that it is possible to be our best self and accomplish the goals set before us. We also need to know/remember that we don’t do this alone – that the Lord has told us He will never leave us or forsake us; that just as the Lord was with Moses and then Joshua, the disciples, etc. He will be with all who call on the name of the Lord. Those words by God to Joshua resonate today for all Christians who are trying to walk the talk.
Some of the topics discussed are: Your world… it’s always personal, Hard Pressed?, Integrous, Reaping.
The Father’s Heart (book #2 of 5) - RELEASE DATE:
May 20, 2015 - ISBN:
978-1511992688 - PAGES:
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Be Encouraged
Book 1 of 5 of The Father’s Heart series
All of us need encouragement at times and this book is for those needing a boost of hope.The discussions are not excuse-based but afford the opportunity to reconsider what is happening and some options available to use to resolve the issue. Bottom line is that this book is intended to encourage the reader to appreciate that they can be all that they are meant to be.
Some of the topics discussed are: Never be a ‘just’, Life is a learning lab, On My way.
The Father’s Heart (book #2 of 5) - RELEASE DATE:
October 31, 2014 - ISBN:
978-1502903631 - PAGES:
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My First Series:
Me and Thee
Info about this Book Series
Dr. Carolyn Coon began her book writing journey with the release of the ‘Me and Thee‘ book series, back in November of 2013.
Lessons from God
Book 5 of 5 of the Me and Thee series
I believe that Life is the stage, we are the actors, God is the Director and ‘Lessons’ are the scripts. This is undoubtedly the most personal of all my books to date. Hopefully My lessons will relate to some of your own or warn you of what you may need to know to resolve any subsequent issues
Some of the topics discussed are: Fortresses, Strongholds, and Fighting, Beyond Forgiveness, Of Utmost Significance
Me and Thee (book #5 of 5) - RELEASE DATE:
July 1, 2014 - ISBN:
978-1500190873 - PAGES:
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The Road Taken
Book 4 of 5 of the Me and Thee series
We look at those decisions and issues that influenced us on how we got to where we are now and how this gives us understandings about who we are and who we are becoming. You are invited to look at your journey in terms of a variety of issues that everyone faces and how and why we got to point B from point A.
Some of the topics discussed are: Baggage, Fast Lane… Slow Lane, Are we there yet???
Me and Thee (book #4 of 5) - RELEASE DATE:
December 3, 2013 - ISBN:
978-1493731060 - PAGES:
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Book 3 of 5 of the Me and Thee series
This book is a slight digression … there is some whimsy, some smiles, some nuggets – but do enjoy this path. The entries are never frivolous and while this may not be rock science, there is always a point.
Some of the topics discussed are: Boredom’s Cure, Conundrums and Oxymorons, Age is a Crown.
Me and Thee (book #3 of 5) - RELEASE DATE:
July 22, 2013 - ISBN:
978-1491003701 - PAGES:
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The Blatant Christian
Book 2 of 5 of the Me and Thee series
Do you even know how to define a ‘blatant Christian’? It may not be what you might think. Would you describe yourself and your friends this way? Why…. or why not? There is so much more to walking your talk than just speaking words. How you act and react is dependent upon what you believe, what you think, what you do. My goal is to have you answer for yourself: Do I act as I say I believe?
Some of the topics discussed are: Judgement and Grace, For just one day…, Milk and Meat.
Me and Thee (book #2 of 5) - RELEASE DATE:
March 6, 2013 - ISBN:
978-1482592801 - PAGES:
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Book 1 of 5 of the Me and Thee series
This is the first book published. It asks questions for you to discover and define who you are… and why. The subjects, questions, and thoughts form the context for you to (re)discover and refine your answers about you – so that you are on your chosen journey for you.
Some of the topics discussed are: Poverty Mentality, The Promise in You, Fruitfulness.
Me and Thee (book #2 of 5) - RELEASE DATE:
November 7, 2012 - ISBN:
978-1480163249 - PAGES: