

Are you blessed? How do you know? Are you walking in the blessing of being blessed? How do you define ‘blessed’? If you aren’t living a blessed life… why? If you are… how? I could continue with the questions but what I’m trying to do is to have you consider the word and what it

Blessed? Read More »


If you believe that you’ve ‘earned’ your authority or that your authority comes because of who you are… you are mistaken. Authority is one of those words we tend to toss around but really don’t understand what it means or its affects… even when it’s used! And yes, it is important and we do ‘bestow’

Authority Read More »


“Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. Therefore

Relationship Read More »


[This post is really part 2 which began with the previous post called, “And after having done all to stand… Stand.] Do you know, realize you are in a battle… always? We were told to resist (James 4:7), to be on guard against our enemy. “Be sober [well balanced and self-disciplined], be alert and cautious

Warfare Read More »

Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
