
Good fruit

There are many references related to fruit, being fruitful, etc. Being fruitful… your goal? Do you know how? Actually, there are over 100 verses that talk about being fruitful. But how is this defined? And what is required of us? “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself

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Humble. Meek. Do we really know what these words mean? Or do you think you know? And what kind of behavior demonstrates these words? It would be my contention that most people really don’t know what the definitions are nor what behavior accompanies them. Mostly it’s a reaction to both words demonstrating negative connotations. Always

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A lesser life

Is that how you would describe your life … lesser? Why? Why would you choose lesser? And, like it or not, it is You who is doing the choosing. It’s because (you don’t have or you do have…fill in the blank) that stops you. So, to make certain I am understanding you correctly, it’s other

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