

On hindsight… and sometimes during, do you ever stop and ask yourself WHY are you doing what you’re doing? I do. Sometimes I surprise (both negatively and positively) myself! Not always want to be surprised in this fashion. But the answer to why I am doing (fill in the blank) sometimes seems to elude me.

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Who and what is relevant in your life? Perhaps a not so subtle yet pointed question is – where and how do you place the Lord in your priority list? Is the Lord relevant in, not just to, your life?Definitions would be helpful so that we are all understanding what I’m meaning by relevant. You may

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Unspoken words

  Is this what you’re waiting to hear? The ‘thank you’ or ‘I’m sorry’ that perhaps should be said but never is. Do you try and ‘prod’ them into saying the words (overtly or subtly) but still the words go unspoken?  Did you do, whatever you did that you would like to hear the unspoken

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
