

Did you grow up knowing you needed a Savior? And ‘needed’ is spelled in capital letters. I suspect that unless your family was Pentecostal, the probability for most of we who were raised in mainstream churches didn’t. Baptists did though. Point being is that if you didn’t know… how do you know? What was your […]

Savior… Read More »


Not you? If you are a born again Christian then, yes you are sent. Read again the Great Commission [Matthew 28]. We have work to do. Equally important is: “ But how will people call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how will they believe in Him of whom they have not

Sent? Read More »


Trustable. Are you trustable? It probably would help if I provided my definition for this word so you’d know how I was defining and expressing this word. I do realize that most people would use ‘trustworthy’ which is a great word and more well known and understood, but I like ‘trustable’. In my world of

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Can’t take the credit… my friend Keith penned and pinned the following to one of my posts that I really felt was apt: “Faith without works is dead! Love without expression is dead! Hope without articulation is dead! Worship without the spirit and truth is dead! The Body without the Spirit is dead! Have no

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Well done

“Well done, good and faithful servant…” (Matthew 25:23) Do you long to hear that? Confirming that what you are doing is meaningful, that makes a difference? A question I do have for you – do you know that you are important? That you are valued? That you are touching lives and making a difference? If

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I ask a lot of questions though I rarely give answers. There are a couple of reasons for this … one is I don’t like to teach and write from the answer. Teaching, writing from the question is far more creative and fun. And yet, when it is spiritual matters there really is only one

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Definitions and such

Definitions are important! Mandatory even. Without them we really don’t know if we are speaking the same ‘language’. You (listener/reader) may not agree with the speaker/writer’s definition, but at least you know why they are saying what they are saying. However we can never use our definitions as litmus tests. One of the fun opportunities

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
