

We are told numerous times that we, as in WE, need to renew our minds. But exactly what does this mean? (Always remember that when we are asked, commanded to do something, that it really is something we can do.) Scripture provides many verses that speak to this issue: 2 Timothy 1:7, Jeremiah 33:3, Matthew 12:34-35, Proverbs

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If ever there was a subject that most people do not want to discuss, it is death – the inevitable end for all of us… unless Jesus comes first. However, ‘end’ is not the proper understanding. Randy Alcorn in his book, Heaven, states: “Most people live unprepared for death.” Why do we do this? Because

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You on YOU

Do you believe in yourself!? No excuses, no defense, no qualifications… do you believe in YOU? If you don’t, why not? What keeps you from believing? Life and other people will challenge you, do you accept the criticism without question? Or do you ignore their words? Both positions aren’t helpful. Bottom line is that without

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Trust is….

Yes I know I’ve talked about trust a number of times and in a number of different settings. The aspect I’d like to look at this time is… HOW do you know you can trust (fill in the blank). I’m not focusing on ‘things’ but on people. How do you know you can trust him/her?

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Turn around

This is an important question… do You believe that if you are on a dead-ended path or an ill thought out decision, that you can’t turn around? Or can you? Are you of the persuasion that you made your own bed and now you have to sleep in it? Or… that you don’t need to

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On hindsight… and sometimes during, do you ever stop and ask yourself WHY are you doing what you’re doing? I do. Sometimes I surprise (both negatively and positively) myself! Not always want to be surprised in this fashion. But the answer to why I am doing (fill in the blank) sometimes seems to elude me.

Why???!!! Read More »

Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
