

Strange title? The word just kinda jumped up at me. Do you know what it means? If your question is: is it really relevant for me? The answer is a resounding – YES! In it’s simplest and beginning definition it would mean taking an idea, concept, belief and making that part of your frame of

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What is our identity? Who is the you that you present to the world? … And does your presentation match at all who you think you are? What’s your identity based on or in? First… are you a Christian? Have you accepted the free gift of salvation that Jesus has already purchased for all of

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Prayer is composed of praise, worship … and asking. Do you ask the Lord for what you think (and even hope) you need? Do you think He’s really not interested? Do you think you have no right to ask? And I think you could probably come up with some other questions. Point being: how do

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Are you at or headed for a crossroad? How does that make you feel! Fearful? Slightly excited? Looking for a way out? So many other thoughts and emotions! Being at a crossroad really isn’t a new experience, however each time you’ve been at one – it rarely is the same emotional experience. Soooo are all

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Miracle (s)

Those of you who know me realize that I love object lessons because whatever is happening right in front of us is the best example. So, I have a couple of questions for you to think about. We seem to have little trouble embracing the concept of gifts. However, I wonder if there isn’t a

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Actually, lying is mentioned many times in scripture and in the 10 Commandments.Exodus 20:16“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”Plus:Ephesians 4:25“Therefore, rejecting all falsehood [whether lying, defrauding, telling half-truths, spreading rumors, any such as these], speak truth each one with his neighbor, for we are all parts of one another [and we are

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