
I sometimes wobble

In my own defense… I think we all do. What is a ‘wobble’? Typically unintentional as well as unthinking – it’s when we think, speak, or act without considering what we may be implying to the recipient (including ourselves) nor the consequences from those words or actions. Really, this is ‘no little thing’ – and […]

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What is our identity? Who is the you that you present to the world? … And does your presentation match at all who you think you are? What’s your identity based on or in? First… are you a Christian? Have you accepted the free gift of salvation that Jesus has already purchased for all of

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Have you ever felt that you really weren’t off/away from the path and plans the Lord has for you… you just weren’t ON the path? Perhaps you (are) were walking parallel to the path so that meant you sometimes were in the ditch or brambles and the terrain was very uneven. Sometimes you may have

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Messing Up

We all do this… yes? And there are degrees in this as well… yes? Personally, I rarely do anything by halves. Therefore, when I mess up I do so in a full blown, spectacular fashion. Recently I’ve experienced just such a misadventure. But ME, the great proponent of analyzing – did/have I? No! Sometimes, I

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Why… oh, WHY?

Have you ever felt that you were in the middle of ‘something’… maybe an important decision, a ‘move;, a transition? It feels kind of strange but not necessarily fearsome… just a bit of discombobulate-ism. There’s a sense of movement away from the familiar and into an unknown. For those who hate change, the cry of

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Wrong way round

I sometimes wonder if we’ve totally misunderstand what witnessing is all about. First of all, it’s not You who saves others – only the Lord can (1 Corinthians 3:6-9). And if you respond with – ‘I know that!’, then what’s the problem about witnessing to others who the Lord is and what He does? In

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Wobbles can be of varying lengths of time. They can affect various aspects of our lives. They can even be of varying degrees of seriousness… and definitely of varying expressions. Wobbles typically are atypical of who we, typically, are but they do affect all of our selves not just areas. They surprise others but sometimes

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
