

Intimacy: into me see. How powerful is that?!! I can’t take credit for this, Pastor Robert Morris taught on this. But what does this mean for you? Do you allow anyone to see into you? It is our choice. And even though the Lord does have the ability to do this – He never acts […]

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Discover [Webster]: : to make known or visible : EXPOSE to obtain sight or knowledge of for the first time : FIND Yes, I am beginning the development of the final book in the 3rd series: Journey of Discovery’. This book is called – The Discoveries – which will be released sometimes in the Fall,

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Do you know what this word means in relation to you? Do you appreciate just how being ‘righteous’ impacts your relationship? To begin with, it’s important to know the scriptural definition of the word -[KJV dictionary): “Just; accordant to the divine law. Applied to persons, it denotes one who is holy in heart, and observant

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Wrong way round

I sometimes wonder if we’ve totally misunderstand what witnessing is all about. First of all, it’s not You who saves others – only the Lord can (1 Corinthians 3:6-9). And if you respond with – ‘I know that!’, then what’s the problem about witnessing to others who the Lord is and what He does? In

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