

Recently I’ve been thinking about ‘more of God’. Knowing, understanding more of the who and how of the Lord. We really do need to understand the who of the Lord, but we also need to know how to express this. Then the rabbit trail took me to the question of… if we don’t apply and […]

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Know what that word means? I’ve always said that my writing was not deep theological thought. But I have also not defined the word so I may have to rethink what or how I characterize my writing. Profound, according to Webster: “having intellectual depth and insight; difficult to fathom or understand; characterized by intensity of

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Have you ever considered that you are a caretaker, steward over… you! You and all that defines and describes who you are (and are becoming); what you do, and how you go about being and doing you. Do you understand this? It’s true and you need to realize just how important you are to you.

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Spoon fed

Spoon fed answers are never as effective or long-lasting until they are owned. And someone else’s answers rarely provide the ownership. After a certain point, many of us don’t like to be spoon fed – we want to know for ourselves, to make our own decisions, to come to our own answers. It’s really not

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Find Your Purpose

Yes I know… sometimes it seems like this is the most incredibly difficult thing to accomplish. But those times of being completely confident are worth the search. When you do then everything seems to fall into place. The things that aren’t part tend to evaporate of their own accord. Finding your purpose centers you and

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It’s always our assumptions that lead us astray. Yes?! We all know this but we all will insist on doing it anyway. Why? Order. We all seem to need a way of structuring our interactions and actions. It appears to be the foundation to ‘make sense’ of our world. So is it all bad? All

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What has ‘retirement’ to do with the context/focus of my blog? Actually, quite a lot? Are you the type that longs to retire? Do you ‘hate’ the idea because your job/work really defines you, who you are? Do you have plans for the now open time? Are you concerned about any aspect of your view

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
