

Yes? No? The start of our ‘Stand’ (Ephesians 6) in the battle, because if we don’t believe in  Absolutes, then we are on the wrong side. I remember, at university, that the group of people I tended to ‘hang out’ with were those who, though perhaps far from intellectuals, loved to ‘discuss’. One time the discussion […]

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NO Time

Do you ever feel like screaming out loud – “I have no time!!!” What you are referencing really means is that there is no time for yourself or the activities that are important, bring meaning and purpose to your life – now. So what do you do? Bite the bullet and simply soldier on? Whine? After

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Ever think about your soul? Ever wonder why scripture talks about your soul as often as it does? Or do you couple spirit and soul together into one? They aren’t the same, you know. When you read ‘spirit’ in scripture – it isn’t talking about your soul… and vice versa. So what is ‘soul’? Your

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There are many ideas, concepts, discoveries that are external to ourselves. There are many that we try to keep external. And then there are those that never can be external – they are part of us … period. Examples of the last group are understandings, mind-sets, standards, etc. To me, the key to understanding and/or change

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I’m a phrase and/or line collector – both written and spoken words. They are always ones that capture my thinking and stop me in my tracks. Quite honestly, I do love these occurrences. And yes, there are certain writers that do arrest me more than others. Let me share one that I recently heard. “When our

Contemplation… Read More »

Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
