
Woman’s place…?

I often think that Paul is the most misquoted and misinterpreted writer in scripture. He has been labeled a misogynist by many women who suffered from men who have attempted to put them down ‘piously’ by misquoting or misunderstanding the context of Paul’s words. The women haven’t advanced their ‘case’ either by doing precisely the […]

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Operating on Numb

  Definition (mine): operating on ‘numb’ is going through the motions, knowing what’s happening around you but later, realizing you were not engaged though you managed to do what was ‘necessary’. Long definition but I felt I needed a more thorough description for you to understand what I am saying. Point – do you find

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Live Simply

    ‘Live simply’ was a catch-phrase that seemed to be the current fad, a few years ago. Not certain it still is. However, no one ever bothered to define or describe what this means. It sounds good on the surface. But… who sets the standard for what this means? Do these questions make us

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