End Times

In these days

I think there is little doubt, question that we are living in difficult times. The level of intolerance and violent reaction seems to only increase. For the Christian, we are battered with temptations, seductions, trials, tribulations, fears(?)… Are we in the last days? I would say ‘yes’ but I have only my understandings of the

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[Writer’s note: Discussing ‘judgment’ is a bit presumptuous since countless books have been written. This is only a beginning discussion, an introduction. For many believers, it’s one study they really don’t want to begin. But there is wonderful news. Yes we all face Judgment, and No it won’t be devastating… except when we realize the

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Webster “1:a branch of theology concerned with the final events in the history  of the world or of humankind. 2: a belief concerning death, the end of the world, or the ultimate destiny of humankind specifically : any of various Christian doctrines concerning the Second    Coming, the resurrection of the dead, or the Last Judgment” When

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