

Just so you know and realize… the Lord NEVER shames us. Period. He doesn’t ‘use’ share to chastise or correct us. He knows the impact of shame and would never places this as punishment. Which leaves…. the source of shame – the devil. He does use shame and try to cripple us. He hates us

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You do realize that this is the description of our arch enemy? The ONLY power he has is what we give him. WHEN we resist him, he flees [James 4:7]. If you aren’t binding/barring/banning him from you, your life, your day… daily, why not? The following verses indicate our defense against the wiles of the

Toothless Read More »


Something’s wrong? Perhaps your heart’s a bit cold? Hurt? Where’s the joy? Where’s the hope? Where’s the confidence? Feeling a bit low, sad, lost? Most important question – do you know why? I think we all find ourselves, from time to time, in this position. (A kind of ‘aside’ in this is… did we learn from

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The new normal

Such a strange phrase… and yet it is universally used though rarely defined. Often the phrase is used to distinguish a major event that changes the course of (fill in the blank). It is so expansive as to not provide any understanding, except that what was probably will never be again. So, what does that

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