
A dose of fear…

That phrase caught my eye. The writer, one of my favorite authors, Jacqueline Winspear, used it in reference to women war correspondents, “…because a dose of fear can keep you alive in a conflict zone.” That statement is good advice for us in our spiritual warfare. Granted,    “Your adversary the devil prowls around like

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I’ve written about fear before. It is true that when faith exists, fear has no place to go. Fear can never coexist with Faith – faith is always stronger. Do notice that I never said it was easier. Do you have fears in your life? Most people do and attempt to avoid them at all

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From the 2018 Olympics’ commercials:         “In every challenge, there are two rivals: Belief and Doubt.         Doubt has a bigger team.         Belief is outnumbered, but never outworked.         And when the score is settled, belief rises to the top.” Have you ever look and

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Feared into

Has the attempt been made on you to fear you into something? That if you don’t – or do – (fill in the blank) something dire will happen? How does this make you feel? Minimally… irritated! Doesn’t work. If fear is the motivator then whatever is ‘changed’ has no foundation. It will last only as

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Such a waste of time… not to mention energy and emotion. However, that logic doesn’t seem to affect our use of regrets. Evidence of our sorrow is seen in our actions. How we handle this – what we do… or don’t do – is the evidence of who we are and how we deal with this. Question:

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Got a Book Question?

Just write down any questions that you may have and I will get back to you in a jiffy!
