

Frightening word????? Bad person?? When you hear the word, repent, do you immediately feel guilty? And if ‘guilty’… of what? Do you try and distance yourself from whoever spoke the word regardless of circumstances? But do you realize that you repent often. Every time you change your mind… you repent, and I realize that this

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Always Forgiven?

There’s a teaching that seems to be a current talking point that I’m not completely understanding. It goes something like this: the believer is forgiven for ALL his sins even before he commits them! Obviously, being a believer is the requirement for that …. but is this ‘license’? If it sounds like it is… I

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70 x 7

I’m a huge fan of forgiveness. I do not have a problem seeking it when I know I’m wrong. Why? A number of reasons… I don’t need to carry the baggage of my (unrepented) poor behavior or sin. I still have enough ‘junk’ in me (though God’s not done with me yet) that adding to

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Yes, I know I’ve written on forgiveness before… this topic always bears repeating. Besides, there are so many different aspects to the word – forgive. This point is – are you quick to forgive, requested or not? How good a forgiver are you? Are you a willing forgiver? Do you forgive and forget? What if

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