
Living forgiven

Describe you? Or are you carrying around the baggage of unrepentant sin? Do remember that our sins will find us out (Numbers 32:23) ). Perhaps your situation is that you’ve confessed your sin, sought forgiveness… but can’t seem to let go and accept your forgiveness. You do realize that You have to accept your forgiveness

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You do appreciate that the church is composed of… people, humans (including you), who don’t always act on their status as Christians. We all do and say things we probably shouldn’t, even when we think we have the answer or ‘know’. Forgiveness and understanding should always be the foundation of our interactions and reactions, especially

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I would argue that the biggest burden we try and carry is one that we don’t need to. That burden is identified and is two-fold: unconfessed sin and accepting forgiveness for confessed sin. There are a number of scriptures that speak to this, among them: 1 Peter 5:6-7, Psalms 55:22, 34:15, etc. “If you hide

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Mercy? or Justice? Which do you extend? You can’t answer with a ‘it depends’. Because, bottom line is our first reaction or thought… Will we forgive or will we ‘get even’? You do realize that the phrase, get even, is merely a euphemism for revenge. (notta question) Seriously, does the prospect of getting your revenge

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Psalms 103:12

“As far as the east is from the west, so far does He remove our transgressions from us…” Believe this? Act on it? We do tend to hold on to previous bad behavior/sin and apologize to the Lord over and over again… why? Though this will sound incredibly stupid… sometimes it’s because that’s who we

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